గయస్ జూలియస్ సీజర్ (ఆంగ్లం : Gaius Julius Caesar)[1] (ఉచ్ఛారణ : గయస్ జూలియస్ కైసర్), జూలై 13, క్రీ.పూ. 100 [2] – March 15, 44 BC,[3]) ఒక రోమన్ మిలిటరీ, రాజకీయ నాయకుడు. ఇతను రోమన్ రిపబ్లిక్ను రోమన్ సామ్రాజ్యంగా మలచడంలో కీలక పాత్ర వహించాడు.

గయస్ జూలియస్ సీజర్
Dictator of the Roman Republic
Bust of Julius Caesar
ReignOctober 49 BC – March 15, 44 BC
పూర్తి పేరుGaius Julius Cæsar
జన్మదినంJuly 12/13 100 BC or 102 BC
జన్మస్థలంRome, Roman Republic
మరణించినదిMarch 15, 44 BC
మరణించిన ప్రదేశంRome, Roman Republic
PredecessorLucius Cornelius Sulla (as Dictator of the Roman Republic)
SuccessorAugustus (as Roman Emperor)
Consort1) Cornelia Cinna minor 84–68 BC
2) Pompeia 68–63 BC
3) Calpurnia Pisonis 59–44 BC
సంతానం1) Julia Caesaris 85/84-54 BC
2) Caesarion 47-30 BC
3) Augustus 63 BC-AD 14 (posthumously adopted, 44 BC)
Royal HouseJulio-Claudian
తండ్రిGaius Julius Cæsar
తల్లిAurelia Cotta

గయస్ జూలియస్ సీజర్ (ఆంగ్లం : Gaius Julius Caesar)[1] (ఉచ్ఛారణ : గయస్ జూలియస్ కైసర్), జూలై 13, క్రీ.పూ. 100 [4] – March 15, 44 BC,[5]) ఒక రోమన్ మిలిటరీ, రాజకీయ నాయకుడు. ఇతను రోమన్ రిపబ్లిక్ను రోమన్ సామ్రాజ్యంగా మలచడంలో కీలక పాత్ర వహించాడు.

వికీవ్యాఖ్యలో ఈ విషయానికి సంబంధించిన వ్యాఖ్యలు చూడండి.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fully, Caius Iulius Caii filius Caii nepos Caesar Imperator ("Gaius Julius Caesar, son of Gaius, grandson of Gaius, Imperator"). Official name after deification in 42 BC: Divus Iulius ("The Divine Julius").
  2. There is some dispute over the date of Caesar's birth. The day is sometimes stated to be be July 12, when his feast-day was celebrated after deification, but this was because his true birthday clashed with the Ludi Apollinares. Some scholars, based on the dates he held certain magistracies, have made a case for 101 or 102 BC as the year of his birth, but scholarly consensus favours 100 BC. Goldsworthy, 30
  3. After Caesar's death the leap years were not inserted according to his intent and there is uncertainty about when leap years were observed between 45 BC and AD 4 inclusive; the dates in this article between 45 BC and AD 4 inclusive are those observed in Rome and there is an uncertainty of about a day as to where those dates would be on the proleptic Julian calendar. See Blackburn, B and Holford-Strevens, L. (1999 corrected 2003). The Oxford Companion to the Year. Oxford University Press. p. 671.
  4. There is some dispute over the date of Caesar's birth. The day is sometimes stated to be be July 12, when his feast-day was celebrated after deification, but this was because his true birthday clashed with the Ludi Apollinares. Some scholars, based on the dates he held certain magistracies, have made a case for 101 or 102 BC as the year of his birth, but scholarly consensus favours 100 BC. Goldsworthy, 30
  5. After Caesar's death the leap years were not inserted according to his intent and there is uncertainty about when leap years were observed between 45 BC and AD 4 inclusive; the dates in this article between 45 BC and AD 4 inclusive are those observed in Rome and there is an uncertainty of about a day as to where those dates would be on the proleptic Julian calendar. See Blackburn, B and Holford-Strevens, L. (1999 corrected 2003). The Oxford Companion to the Year. Oxford University Press. p. 671.

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