ఉత్తర కొరియా: కూర్పుల మధ్య తేడాలు

పంక్తి 224:
2008 అక్టోబర్ 11 న ఉత్తర కొరియా అణుబాంబు తయారీ సంబంధిత వ్యవహారాలలో ఇరుదేశాల మద్య అంగీకారం కుదిరిన తరువాత యునైటెడ్ స్టేట్స్ " తీవ్రవాదానికి సహకారం అందిస్తున్న దేశాల జాబితా " నుండి ఉత్తర కొరియా తొలగించబడింది. <ref>{{Cite news| url = http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/10/11/us.north.korea/index.html | title = U.S. takes North Korea off terror list | publisher = CNN | date = 11 October 2008 | accessdate = 11 October 2008}}</ref> ఉత్తర కొరియా [[జపాన్]] పౌరులను కిడ్నాప్ చేసింది. <ref>{{Cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/5074234.stm |title=N Korea to face Japan sanctions |accessdate=26 June 2008 | date=13 June 2006 | work=BBC News}}</ref>
==కొరియా తిరిగిపునః సమైఖ్యం==
2000 లో ఉత్తర కొరియా మరియు దక్షిణ కొరియాలు " నార్త్ - సౌత్ జాయింట్ డిక్లరేషన్ " కొరకు సంతకం చేసాయి. శాంతి యుతంగా ఇరుదేశాలు తిరిగి సైఖ్యం కావడానికి అంగీకరించాయి.<ref name=joint>{{cite web |url=http://www.kcckp.net/en/one/nation.php |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20071113143537/http://www.kcckp.net/en/one/nation.php |archivedate=2007-11-13 |title=North-South Joint Declaration |accessdate=1 August 2007 |date=15 June 2000 |work=[[Naenara]]}}</ref>
North Korea's policy is to seek reunification without what it sees as outside interference, through a federal structure retaining each side's leadership and systems. In 2000, both North and South Korea signed the [[June 15th North–South Joint Declaration]] in which both sides made promises to seek out a peaceful reunification.
1980 అక్టోబర్ 10న " ది డెమొక్రటిక్ ఫెడరల్ రిపబ్లిక్ ఆఫ్ కొరియా " అని ఉత్తర కొరియా అధ్యక్షుడు రెండవ కిం సుంగ్ ప్రతిపాదన చేసాడు. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.songunpoliticsstudygroup.org/Oct102008/W-801010.HTM |title=REPORT TO THE SIXTH CONGRESS OF THE WORKERS’ PARTY OF KOREA ON THE WORK OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE |last=Kim |first=Il Sung |date=10 October 1980 |publisher=Songun Politics Study Group (USA) |accessdate=4 July 2009 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/20090829094118/http://www.songunpoliticsstudygroup.org/Oct102008/W-801010.HTM |archivedate=29 August 2009 }}</ref>గత కొన్ని దశాబ్ధాలుగా ఇరుదేశాలమద్య సంబంధాలు పలు రాజకీయాల పరిస్థితుల కారణంగా దెబ్బతిన్నాయి.
.{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=218}} 1990 వరకు సంబంధాలు కొతవరకు శాంతియుతంగానే సాగాయి. {{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=220}}
<ref name=joint>{{cite web |url=http://www.kcckp.net/en/one/nation.php |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20071113143537/http://www.kcckp.net/en/one/nation.php |archivedate=2007-11-13 |title=North-South Joint Declaration |accessdate=1 August 2007 |date=15 June 2000 |work=[[Naenara]]}}</ref>
The [[Democratic Federal Republic of Korea]] is a [[proposed state]] first mentioned by then North Korean president Kim Il-sung on 10 October 1980, proposing a federation between North and South Korea in which the respective political systems would initially remain.
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.songunpoliticsstudygroup.org/Oct102008/W-801010.HTM |title=REPORT TO THE SIXTH CONGRESS OF THE WORKERS’ PARTY OF KOREA ON THE WORK OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE |last=Kim |first=Il Sung |date=10 October 1980 |publisher=Songun Politics Study Group (USA) |accessdate=4 July 2009 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/20090829094118/http://www.songunpoliticsstudygroup.org/Oct102008/W-801010.HTM |archivedate=29 August 2009 }}</ref>
[[Inter-Korean relations]] are at the core of North Korean diplomacy and have seen numerous shifts in the last few decades. In 1972, the two Koreas agreed in principle to achieve reunification through peaceful means and without foreign interference.{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=218}} Despite this, relations remained cool well until the early 1990s, with the exception of a brief period in the early 1980s when North Korea provided flood relief to its southern neighbor and the two countries organized a reunion of 92 separated families.{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=220}}
The [[Sunshine Policy]] instituted by South Korean president [[Kim Dae-jung]] in 1998 was a watershed in inter-Korean relations. It encouraged other countries to engage with the North, which allowed Pyongyang to normalize relations with a number of European Union states and contributed to the establishment of joint North-South economic projects. The culmination of the Sunshine Policy was the [[Inter-Korean Summit|2000 Inter-Korean Summit]], when Kim Dae-jung visited Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang.{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=222}} On 4 October 2007, South Korean president [[Roh Moo-hyun]] and Kim Jong-il signed an eight-point peace agreement.
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