ఉత్తర కొరియా: కూర్పుల మధ్య తేడాలు

పంక్తి 270:
[[File:AIR KORYO IL76 P912 AT SONDOK HAMHUNG AIRPORT DPR KOREA OCT 2012 (8179381094).jpg|thumb|[[Ilyushin Il-76]] strategic military airlifter used by [[Air Koryo]]]]
ఉత్తర కొరియా అణ్వాయుధాలను కలిగి ఉంది. అయినప్పటి సంఖ్యాపరంగా అణ్వాయుధాలు పరిమితంగానే ఉన్నాయి. వివిధ అంచనాలను అనుసరించి ఉత్తర కొరియాలో 10 కంటే తక్కువగా ప్లుటోనియం వార్ హెడ్స్ ఉన్నాయని భావిస్తున్నారు.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2013/06/daily-chart?fsrc=scn/gp/wl/bl/dc/nuclear|title=Daily chart: Mutually assured ambiguity|publisher=The Economist|accessdate=23 May 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2013/03/world/nuclear-weapon-states/?iid=article_sidebar#northkorea|title=Nuclear weapons: Who has what?|accessdate=April 16, 2013 | work=CNN}}</ref> మరియు 12-17 అణ్వాయుధాలకు సమానమైన యురేనియం వార్ హెడ్స్ ఉన్నాయి. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://isis-online.org/uploads/isis-reports/documents/dprk_fissile_material_production_16Aug2012.pdf|title=North Korea’s Estimated Stocks of Plutonium and Weapon-Grade Uranium|date=August 16, 2012|accessdate=March 7, 2013}}</ref>
రాకెట్ ఫోర్స్ 3,000 కిలోమీటర్లు పయనించగలిగిన 1,000 బాలిస్టిక్ మిస్సైల్స్ కలిగి ఉంది. <ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/03/17/us-korea-north-missiles-idUSTRE62G1ZC20100317 | work=Reuters | title=North Korea has 1,000 missiles, South says | date=March 17, 2010}}</ref>
2004 గణాంకాలను అనుసరించి ఉత్తర కొరియాలో 2,500 - 5,000 మెట్రిక్ టన్నుల సామర్ధ్యం కలిగిన రసాయన ఆయుధాలు ఉన్నాయని అంచనా. అవి నెర్వ్, బ్లెస్టర్, బ్లడ్ మరియు వామిటింగ్ ఏజెంట్లు సమర్ధత కలిగి ఉన్నాయి. అలాగే స్మాల్ ఫాక్స్, ఆంత్రాక్స్ మరియు కలరా వ్యాధులను కలిగించగలిగిన బయలాజికల్ ఆయుధాలు ఉన్నాయి.
{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=260}}<ref>{{cite web| url = http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/04/29/2010042901362.html | title = New Threat from N.Korea's 'Asymmetrical' Warfare | publisher = The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition) | work = English.chosun.com | date = 29 April 2010 | accessdate = 13 December 2010}}</ref> దేశమంటా విస్తరించి ఉన్న 1800 భూ అంతర్గత ఇండస్ట్రీలలో ఆయుధాలు ఉత్పత్తి చేయబడుతున్నాయి. <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.fas.org/irp/world/rok/nis-docs/defense09.htm|title=Defense|publisher=Federation of American Scientists|accessdate=October 11, 2013}}</ref> డిఫెంస్ ఇండస్ట్రీ ఇండివిజ్యుయల్, క్రూ- సర్వ్డ్ ఆయుధాలు, ఆర్టిల్లరీ, ఆర్మౌర్డ్ వెహికల్స్, మిస్సైల్స్, హెలికాఫ్టర్లు, సర్ఫేస్ కంబాటెట్స్, సబ్మెరీన్లు, లాండింగ్ అండ్ ఇంఫ్లేషన్ క్రాఫ్ట్, యాక్-18 ట్రైనర్స్ మరియు కో- ప్రొడక్షన్ జెట్ ఎయిర్ క్రాఫ్ట్ చేసే అవకాశాలు ఉన్నాయి. .{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=272}} ఉత్తరకొరియా అధికారిక మాద్యమం ఆధారంగా 2010 మిలటరీ వ్యయం దేశ ఆర్ధిక ప్రణాళికలో 15.8% నికి భాగస్వామ్యం వహిస్తుంది.<ref name="kcna2010budget">{{cite web|title=Report on Implementation of 2009 Budget and 2010 Budget|url=http://kcna.co.jp/item/2010/201004/news09/20100409-10ee.html|publisher=[[Korean Central News Agency]]|date=9 April 2010}}</ref>
are provided by the Rocket Force, which has some 1,000 [[ballistic missile]]s with a range of up to 3,000 kilometres.
<ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/03/17/us-korea-north-missiles-idUSTRE62G1ZC20100317 | work=Reuters | title=North Korea has 1,000 missiles, South says | date=March 17, 2010}}</ref>
According to a 2004 South Korean assessment, North Korea possesses a stockpile of [[chemical weapons]] estimated to amount to 2,500–5,000 tons, including nerve, blister, blood, and vomiting agents, as well as the ability to cultivate and produce [[biological weapons]] including [[anthrax]], [[smallpox]], and [[cholera]].{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=260}}
<ref>{{cite web| url = http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/04/29/2010042901362.html | title = New Threat from N.Korea's 'Asymmetrical' Warfare | publisher = The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition) | work = English.chosun.com | date = 29 April 2010 | accessdate = 13 December 2010}}</ref>
Because of its nuclear and missile tests, North Korea has been [[List of United Nations Security Council resolutions concerning North Korea|sanctioned under United Nations Security Council resolutions]] [[United Nations Security Council Resolution 1695|1695]] of July 2006, [[United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718|1718]] of October 2006, [[United Nations Security Council Resolution 1874|1874]] of June 2009, and [[United Nations Security Council Resolution 2087|2087]] of January 2013.
The military faces some issues limiting its conventional capabilities, including obsolete equipment, insufficient fuel supplies and a shortage of digital [[command and control]] assets. To compensate for these deficiencies, the KPA has deployed a wide range of [[asymmetric warfare]] technologies like anti-personnel blinding lasers,
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/11/24/north.korea.capability/index.html|title=North Korea's military aging but sizable|publisher=CNN|date=25 November 2010|accessdate=23 May 2014}}</ref>
[[GPS]] jammers,
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/dprk/2010/dprk-101007-voa01.htm|title=North Korea Appears Capable of Jamming GPS Receivers|publisher=globalsecurity.org|date=7 October 2010|accessdate=23 May 2014}}</ref>
[[midget submarine]]s and [[human torpedo]]es,
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk02500&num=6463|title=North Korea's Human Torpedoes|publisher=DailyNK|date=6 May 2010|accessdate=23 May 2014}}</ref>
[[stealth technology|stealth]] paint,
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/7960218/North-Korea-develops-stealth-paint-to-camouflage-fighter-jets.html|title=North Korea 'develops stealth paint to camouflage fighter jets'|publisher=The Daily Telegraph|date=23 August 2010|accessdate=23 May 2014}}</ref>
[[electromagnetic pulse]] bombs,
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/09/07/2011090700649.html|title=N.Korea Developing High-Powered GPS Jammer|publisher=[[The Chosun Ilbo]]|date=7 September 2011|accessdate=8 September 2012}}</ref>
and [[cyberwarfare]] units.
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/11/05/2013110501790.html|title=N.Korea Boosting Cyber Warfare Capabilities|publisher=The Chosun Ilbo|date=5 November 2013|accessdate=23 May 2014}}</ref>
KPA units have also attempted to jam South Korean [[military satellite]]s.
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk00100&num=10043|title=Satellite in Alleged NK Jamming Attack|publisher=Daily NK|date=15 November 2012|accessdate=12 December 2012}}</ref>
Much of the equipment is engineered and produced by [[Defense industry of North Korea|a domestic defense industry]]. Weapons are manufactured in roughly 1,800 underground defense industry plants scattered throughout the country, most of them located in [[Chagang Province]].
<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.fas.org/irp/world/rok/nis-docs/defense09.htm|title=Defense|publisher=Federation of American Scientists|accessdate=October 11, 2013}}</ref>
The defense industry is capable of producing a full range of individual and crew-served weapons, artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, missiles, helicopters, surface combatants, submarines, landing and infiltration craft, [[Yak-18]] trainers and possibly co-production of jet aircraft.{{Sfn|Country Study|2009|p=272}} According to official North Korean media, military expenditures for 2010 amount to 15.8 percent of the state budget.
<ref name="kcna2010budget">{{cite web|title=Report on Implementation of 2009 Budget and 2010 Budget|url=http://kcna.co.jp/item/2010/201004/news09/20100409-10ee.html|publisher=[[Korean Central News Agency]]|date=9 April 2010}}</ref>
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