మొదటి బహదూర్ షా: కూర్పుల మధ్య తేడాలు

పంక్తి 48:
బహదూర్ షా సాంరాజం అంతటినీ స్వాధీనంలో ఉంచడంలో విజయం సాధించాడు.
బహదూర్ షా 5 సంవత్సరాల పాలన తరువాత చక్రవర్తి అకస్మాత్తు మరణంతో మొఘల్ సాంరాజ్యం క్షీణదశ ఆరంభం అయింది.
After his short reign of less than five years, the Mughal Empire entered a long decline, attributable both to his sudden death and to his father's geographical overreaching . Reports from the era state that he was courageous and intelligent. All accounts agree in representing Bahadur Shah as a man of mild and equable temper, learned, dignified, disciplined, magnanimous and generous to fault. Although not a great conqueror like his predecessors, Bahadur Shah may be called the last successful emperor. Bahadur Shah hardly shared Aurangzeb's orthodox views. Unlike his father, Aurangzeb, he was a liberal Sufi in outlook. In fact, it is true that after his sudden death the disintegration of the Mughal Empire became very much evident.
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