స్పానిష్ భాష: కూర్పుల మధ్య తేడాలు

చి r2.7.2+) (యంత్రము కలుపుతున్నది: lo:ພາສາເອັສປາໂຍນ
చి r2.7.3) (బాటు: pa:ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ వర్గాన్ని pa:ਸਪੈਨੀਸ਼ ਭਾਸ਼ਾకి మార్చింది; పైపై మార్పులు
పంక్తి 25:
|map = [[దస్త్రం:Spanish Language Map.svg|300px|border]]<br /><small>Information:<br />{{legend|Red|''[[Spanish language|Spanish]] is the sole official language at the national level''}}{{legend|#000080|''Spanish a co-official language''}}{{legend|#FF5555|''Spanish official in some U.S. states, counties and cities''}}}}
'''స్పానిష్''' ({{Audio|español.ogg|''español''}}) లేక '''కస్తీలియన్''' (''castellano'') ఒక [[:en:Romance language|రోమనుల భాష]]. ఇది ఉత్తర [[స్పెయిన్]] లో మొదలై, కస్తీల్ సామ్రాజ్యం ద్వారా విస్తరించబడి, పాలనా వ్యవహారాలు నెరపడంలోను, వ్యాపార సంబంధాలలోను ప్రధాన భాషగా వృధ్ధి చెందింది. తర్వాత ఈ భాష 15-19 శతాబ్దాల మధ్య స్పానిష్ సామ్రాజ్య విస్తరణతో [[:en:Spanish colonization of the Americas|అమెరికా]],[[:en:Spanish Empire#Territories in Africa (1898–1975)|ఆఫ్రికా]] మరియూ [[:en:Spanish East Indies|స్పానిష్ ఈస్టిండీస్]]లకు వ్యాపించింది.
ప్రస్తుతం 40 కోట్లకు పైగా ప్రజలు స్పానిష్ ను [[మాతృభాష]] గా మాట్లాడతారు. ఆ విధంగా ఈ భాష ప్రపంచంలో ఎక్కువగా మాట్లాడే భాషల జాబితాలో రెండవ లేక మూడవ స్థానంలో నిలుస్తుంది. [[మెక్సికో]] లో స్పానిష్ మాట్లాడే ప్రజలు ఎక్కువగా ఉన్నారు.
పంక్తి 32:
== పేరు మరియు వ్యుత్పత్తి ==
స్పానిష్ వాళ్ళు ఫ్రెంచి, ఇంగ్లీషు భాషలతో పోల్చేటప్పుడు తమ భాషను ఎస్పాన్యోల్ ''{{lang|es|español}}'' అని, స్పెయిన్ లో మాట్లాడే ఇతర భాషలైన గలీషియన్, బస్క్ మరియూ కాటలాన్లతో పోల్చేటప్పుడు కాస్టెలానో (కస్తీలియన్) (కస్తీల్ ప్రాంతపు వారి భాష) అని పిలుస్తారు. అమెరికా ఖండపు హిస్పానిక్ దేశాలలో వారి ఇష్టానుసారంగా రెండింటిలో ఒక పేరును అధికారిక నామంగా స్వీకరించడానికి ఇదే తరహా హేతువున్నది. ఇదే పద్ధతిలో 1978 స్పెయిన్ రాజ్యాంగము మొత్తం దేశం యొక్క అధికారిక భాషను నిర్వచించడానికి ఇతర స్పానిష్ భాషలకు విరుద్ధంగా కాస్టెలానో అన్న పదాన్ని ఉపయోగిస్తుంది. రాజ్యంగం యొక్క మూడవ అధికరణం ఈ విధంగా చదువుతుంది:
{{Cquote|{{lang|es|''El castellano es la lengua española oficial del Estado. (…) Las demás lenguas españolas serán también oficiales en las respectivas Comunidades Autónomas…''}}<br />
పంక్తి 50:
స్పానిష్‌ ప్రాథమిక భాషగా మాట్లాడేవారితో పాటు ద్వితీయ, తృతీయ భాషలుగా మాట్లాడేవారి సంఖ్యను కూడా కలుపుకొని మొత్తం 35 కోట్ల ప్రజలు స్పానిష్ మాట్లాడతారని అంచనా. ఈ అంచనా ప్రకారం ప్రపంచంలో ఎక్కువమంది మాట్లాడే భాషలో మూడవదిగా ఇంగ్లీషు, చైనీసుల తర్వాత స్థానాన్ని ఆక్రమించుకుంటున్నది.<ref name = "universidad de Mexico">[ Universidad de México]{{Verify credibility|date=March 2008}}{{subst:Sup|(cached URL)}}<</ref><ref name="instituto cervantes">Instituto Cervantes ([ "El Mundo" news])</ref><br />
ప్రస్తుతం, స్పానిష్ స్పెయిన్తో పాటు చాలామటుకు లాటిన్ అమెరికా దేశాలు మరియు ఈక్వటోరియల్ గ్వినియాలో అధికార భాష. ఇరవై దేశాలలో స్పానిష్ ను ప్రాథమిక భాషగా ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారు. అంతేకాక స్పానిక్ ఐక్యరాజ్యసమితి యొక్క ఆరు అధికార భాషలలో ఒకటి. అమెరికా సంయుక్త రాష్ట్రాలలో ఇంగ్లీషు తర్వాత అత్యంత విరివిగా మాట్లాడే భాష.<ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html CIA The World Factbook United States]</ref> అమెరికా పాఠశాలలు మరియు విశ్వవిద్యాలయాలలో అత్యంత విరివిగా అధ్యయనం చేసే విదేశీ భాష.<ref>{{PDFlink|[http://www.census.gov/prod/2005pubs/06statab/pop.pdf United States Census Bureau]|1.86&nbsp;MB}}, Statistical Abstract of the United States: page 47: Table 47: Languages Spoken at Home by Language: 2003</ref><ref>{{PDFlink|[http://www.adfl.org/resources/enrollments.pdf Foreign Language Enrollments in United States Institutions of Higher Learning]|129&nbsp;KB}}, MLA Fall 2002.</ref> 2007లో వెలువడిన ప్రపంచవ్యాప్త ఇంటర్నెట్ వాడుక గణాంకాల ప్రకారం ఇంటర్నెట్లో అత్యంత విరివిగా ఉపయోగించే భాషలలో ఇంగ్లీషు మరియు చైనీస్ తర్వాత మూడవ స్థానంలో ఉన్నది. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats7.htm |title=Internet World Users by Language |year=2008 |publisher=Miniwatts Marketing Group}}</ref>
=== ఐరోపా ===
పంక్తి 71:
|accessdate=2007-12-20}}</ref><ref>[http://censos.ccp.ucr.ac.cr/ Belize Population and Housing Census 2000]</ref> Mainly, it is spoken by Hispanic descendants who remained in the region since the 17th century; however, English is the official language.<ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bh.html CIA World Factbook — Belize]</ref>
Spain colonized [[Trinidad and Tobago]] first in 1498, leaving the [[Carib]] people the Spanish language. Also the [[Cocoa Panyol]]s, laborers from Venezuela, took their culture and language with them; they are accredited with the music of "[[Parang]]" ("[[Parranda]]") on the island. Because of Trinidad's location on the South American coast, the country is much influenced by its Spanish-speaking neighbors. A recent census shows that more than 1,500 inhabitants speak Spanish.<ref name="trinidadbusiness">{{Cite news|url=http://articles.latimes.com/2005/aug/30/world/fg-spanish30|title=Trinidad Says It Needs Spanish to Talk Business|last=Williams|first=Carol J.|date=2005-08-30|accessdate=2009-09-10|publisher=[[Los Angeles Times]]|page=A3}}</ref> In 2004, the government launched the ''Spanish as a First Foreign Language'' (SAFFL) initiative in March 2005.<ref>[http://www.tradeind.gov.tt/SIS/FAQ.htm The Secretariat for The Implementation of Spanish, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago]</ref> Government regulations require Spanish to be taught, beginning in primary school, while thirty percent of public employees are to be linguistically competent within five years.<ref name="trinidadbusiness" /> The government also announced that Spanish will be the country's second official language by 2020, beside English.{{Fact|date=March 2008}}
Spanish is important in [[Brazil]] because of its proximity to and increased trade with its Spanish-speaking neighbors; for example, as a member of the [[Mercosur]] trading bloc.<ref>[http://www.mercosur.int/msweb/portal%20intermediario/pt/index.htm Mercosul, Portal Oficial] (Portuguese)</ref> In 2005, the [[National Congress of Brazil]] approved a bill, signed into law by the [[President of Brazil|President]], making Spanish language teaching mandatory in both public and private secondary schools.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.brazzilmag.com/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=3488|title=Brazil Wants to Pay Foreign Debt with Spanish Classes|first=Carolina|last=Pimentel|date=2005-08-08|accessdate=2008-01-10|publisher=Brazzil magazine}}</ref> In many border towns and villages (especially on the Uruguayan-Brazilian border), a [[mixed language]] known as [[Riverense Portuñol|Portuñol]] is spoken.<ref>{{cite paper | author=Lipski, John M. | title=Too close for comfort? the genesis of “portuñol/portunhol” | publisher=ed. Timothy L. Face and Carol A. Klee, 1–22. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project | year=2006 | format=PDF | version=Selected Proceedings of the 8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium | url=http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hls/8/paper1251.pdf | accessdate=2008-12-29}}
పంక్తి 84:
=== ఆఫ్రికా ===
In Africa, Spanish is official in [[Equatorial Guinea]] (co-official [[French language|French]] and [[Portuguese language|Portuguese]]). Today, in [[Western Sahara]], nearly 200,000 refugee Sahrawis are able to read and write in Spanish,<ref>[http://www.aprendemas.com/Noticias/html/N1960_F17012007.HTML El refuerzo del español llega a los saharauis con una escuela en los campos de Tinduf]</ref> and several thousands have received [[university]] education in foreign countries as part of aid packages (mainly [[Cuba]] and [[Spain]]). In Equatorial Guinea, Spanish is the predominant language when counting native and non-native speakers (around 500,000 people), while [[Fang language|Fang]] is the most spoken language by a number of native speakers.<ref>[http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Equatorial+Guinea Ethnologue – Equatorial Guinea ((2000)]</ref><ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ek.html CIA World Factbook – Equatorial Guinea (Last updated 20 September 2007)]</ref> It is also spoken in the Spanish cities in [[Plazas de soberanía|continental North Africa]] ([[Ceuta]] and [[Melilla]]) and in the autonomous community of [[Canary Islands]] (143,000 and 1,995,833 people, respectively). Within Northern Morocco, a former [[History of Morocco#European influence|Franco-Spanish protectorate]] that is also geographically close to Spain, approximately 20,000 people speak Spanish.<ref name="MRCL">[http://www.morocco.com/culture/language/ Morocco.com], The Languages of Morocco.</ref> It is spoken by some communities of [[Angola]], because of the Cuban influence from the [[Cold War]], and in [[Nigeria]] by the descendants of [[Afro-Cuban]] ex-slaves.
ఆఫ్రికెలో స్పానిష్ అధికార భాష.
పంక్తి 90:
<!-- Before you edit this section, see the discussion at the talk page. Thanks -->
{{seealso|Spanish language in the Philippines}}
Spanish was an official language of the [[Philippines]] since the early days of Spanish colonization in the 16th century, until the change of Constitution in 1973. During most of the colonial period it was the language of government, trade and education, and spoken mainly by Spaniards living in the islands and educated Filipinos. However, by the mid 19th century a free public school system in Spanish was established throughout the islands, which increased the numbers of Spanish speakers rapidly. Following the U.S. occupation and administration of the islands, the importance of Spanish fell, especially after the 1920s. The US authorities' imposition of English as the medium of instruction in schools and universities coupled with the prohibition of Spanish in media and educational institutions gradually reduced the importance of the language. After the country became independent in 1946, Spanish remained an official language along with English and Tagalog-based Filipino. However, the language lost its official status in 1973 during the [[Ferdinand Marcos]] administration. Under the Corazon Aquino administration which took office in 1986, the mandatory teaching of Spanish in colleges and universities was also stopped, and thus, younger generations of Filipinos have little or no knowledge of Spanish as compared to the older generations. However, the Spanish language retains a large influence in local languages, with many words coming from or being derived from Spanish.<ref>{{Citation |url=http://www.thecorpusjuris.com/laws/constitutions/8-philippineconstitutions/68-1973-constitution.html
|title=1973 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
పంక్తి 108:
Spanish has three [[:en:grammatical person|second-person]] [[:en:grammatical number|singular]] [[:en:pronoun]]s: {{lang|es|''tú''}}, {{lang|es|''usted''}}, and {{lang|es|''vos''}}. The use of the pronoun {{lang|es|''vos''}} and/or its verb forms is called {{lang|es|''voseo''}}.
[[దస్త్రం:Voseo-extension-real.PNG|thumb|right|347px|Countries that feature "voseo": {{legend|#000070|primary spoken and written form}}
{{legend|#0077E5|primary when spoken, but not in non-colloquial written form}}
పంక్తి 130:
* And as a term of comparison: {{lang|es|''«Es por lo menos tan actor como vos»'' (Cuzzani Cortés [Arg. 1988])}} instead of {{lang|es|«''Es por lo menos tan actor como tú»''}}<br /><ref name="rae.es site" />
However, for the {{lang|es|''pronombre átono'' }}(that which uses the pronominal verbs and its complements without preposition) and for the possessive, they employ the forms of {{lang|es|''tuteo'' (''te'', ''tu'', and ''tuyo'')}}, respectively: {{lang|es|''«Vos te acostaste con el tuerto»'' (Gené Ulf [Arg. 1988]); ''«Lugar que odio [...] como te odio a vos»'' (Rossi María [C. Rica 1985]); ''«No cerrés tus ojos»'' (Flores Siguamonta [Guat. 1993]).}} In other words, in the previous examples the authors conjugate the pronoun subject {{lang|es|''vos''}} with the pronominal verbs and its complements of {{lang|es|''tú''}}.<ref name="rae.es site" />
The verbal {{lang|es|''voseo''}} consists of the use of the second person plural, more or less modified, for the conjugated forms of the second person singular: {{lang|es|''tú vivís, vos comés''}}. The verbal paradigm of {{lang|es|''voseante''}} is characterized by its complexity. On the one hand, it affects, to a distinct extent, each verbal tense. On the other hand, it varies in functions of geographic and social factors and not all the forms are accepted in cultured norms.<ref name="rae.es site" />
పంక్తి 137:
{{lang|es|''Vos''}} is used extensively as the primary spoken form of the second-person singular pronoun, although with wide differences in social consideration. Generally, it can be said that there are zones of exclusive use of {{lang|es|''tuteo''}} in the following areas: almost all of [[Mexico]], the West Indies, [[Panama]], the majority of [[Peru]] and [[Venezuela]], and; the Atlantic cost of [[Colombia]].<br /> They alternate {{lang|es|''tuteo''}} as a cultured form and {{lang|es|''voseo''}} as a popular or rural form in: [[Bolivia]], north and south of [[Peru]], [[Ecuador]], small zones of the Venezuelan Andes, a great part of [[Colombia]], and the oriental border of [[Cuba]].
{{lang|es|''Tuteo''}} exists as an intermediate formality of treatment and {{lang|es|''voseo''}} as a familiar treatment in: [[Chile]], the Venezuelan state of [[Zulia]], the Pacific coast of [[Colombia]], [[Central America]], and; the Mexican states of [[Tabasco]] and [[Chiapas]].<br />
Areas of generalized {{lang|es|''voseo''}} include Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.<br /><ref name="rae.es site" />
పంక్తి 290:
Spanish is written using the [[Latin alphabet]], with the addition of the character ''[[ñ]]'' (''eñe'', representing the phoneme {{IPA|/ɲ/}}, a letter distinct from ''n'', although typographically composed of an ''n'' with a [[tilde]]) and the [[digraph (orthography)|digraphs]] ''ch'' ({{lang|es|''che''}}, representing the phoneme {{IPA|/tʃ/}}) and ''ll'' ({{lang|es|''elle''}}, representing the phoneme {{IPA|/ʎ/}}). However, the digraph ''rr'' ({{lang|es|''erre fuerte''}}, "strong ''r''", {{lang|es|''erre doble''}}, "double ''r''", or simply {{lang|es|''erre''}}), which also represents a distinct phoneme {{IPA|/r/}}, is not similarly regarded as a single letter. Since 1994, the digraphs ''ch'' and ''ll'' are to be treated as letter pairs for [[collation]] purposes, though they remain a part of the alphabet. Words with ''ch'' are now alphabetically sorted between those with ''ce'' and ''ci'', instead of following ''cz'' as they used to, and similarly for ''ll''.<ref>[http://buscon.rae.es/dpdI/SrvltConsulta?lema=ch Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas], 1st ed.: "[...] en el X Congreso de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, celebrado en 1994, se acordó adoptar el orden alfabético latino universal, en el que la ''ch'' y la ''ll'' no se consideran letras independientes. En consecuencia, las palabras que comienzan por estas dos letras, o que las contienen, pasan a alfabetizarse en los lugares que les corresponden dentro de la ''c'' y de la ''l'', respectivamente. Esta reforma afecta únicamente al proceso de ordenación alfabética de las palabras, no a la composición del abecedario, del que los dígrafos ''ch'' y ''ll'' siguen formando parte."</ref><ref>"No obstante, en el X Congreso de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, celebrado en 1994, se acordó adoptar para los diccionarios académicos, a petición de varios organismos internacionales, el orden alfabético latino universal, en el que la ''ch'' y la ''ll'' no se consideran letras independientes. En consecuencia, estas dos letras pasan a alfabetizarse en los lugares que les corresponden dentro de la ''C'' (entre ''-cg-'' y ''-ci-'') y dentro de la ''L'' (entre ''-lk-'' y ''-lm-''), respectivamente." [http://www.rae.es/ Real Academia Española], [http://www.spanishpronto.com/spanishpronto/spanishalphabet.html Explanation] at http://www.spanishpronto.com/ (in Spanish and English)</ref>
Thus, the Spanish alphabet has the following 29 letters:<ref>{{cite web |url=http://buscon.rae.es/dpdI/SrvltConsulta?lema=abecedario |title=Abecedario |accessdate=2008-06-23 |year=2005 |work=Diccionario panhispánico de dudas |publisher=Real Academia Española |language=Spanish }}</ref>
పంక్తి 309:
{{main|:en:Spanish phonology{{!}}}}
The phonemic inventory listed in the following table includes [[phoneme]]s that are preserved only in some dialects, other dialects having merged them (such as ''[[yeísmo]]''); these are marked with an asterisk (*). Sounds in parentheses are [[allophone]]s. Where symbols appear in pairs, the symbol to the right represents a [[voiced consonant]].
{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="margin:auto:; margin:auto;"
పంక్తి 387:
=== Lexical stress ===
Spanish is a [[:en:syllable-timed language]], so each syllable has the same duration regardless of stress.<ref>{{Harvcoltxt|Cressey|1978|p=152}}</ref><ref>{{Harvcoltxt|Abercrombie|1967|p=98}}</ref> Stress most often occurs on any of the last three syllables of a word, with some rare exceptions at the fourth last. The ''tendencies'' of stress assignment are as follows:<ref>{{Harvcoltxt|Eddington|2000|p=96}}</ref>
* In words ending in vowels and {{IPA|/s/}},<!-- please do not add /n/ before discussing it in the talk page --> stress most often falls on the penultimate syllable.
* In words ending in all other consonants, the stress more often falls on the last syllable.
పంక్తి 700:
[[os:Испайнаг æвзаг]]
[[pa:ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ਸਪੈਨੀਸ਼ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ]]
[[pag:Salitan Espanyol]]
[[pam:Espanyol (amanu)]]
"https://te.wikipedia.org/wiki/స్పానిష్_భాష" నుండి వెలికితీశారు