CAS registry numbers are unique numerical identifiers for chemical elements, compounds, polymers, biological sequences, mixtures and alloys. They are also referred to as CAS numbers, CAS RNs or CAS #s. This template is used to cite CAS numbers within articles.
మార్చు{{CAS|74-79-3|(L-arginine)<br/>157-06-2 (D-arginine)}}
If the first parameter contains a valid CAS-number bevat (e.g. no letters) a link will be placed to CAS number tool on the WikiMedia Toolserver. If it is not a valid number, plain text will be shown. In any case, leading and ending spaces are trimmed. Text in the second parameter (if given) will be shown as plain text.
157-06-2 (D-arginine) 74-79-3 (L-arginine)
157-06-2 (D-arginine)
Error messages
మార్చు- Parameter is empty (no CAS number given)