Usage మార్చు

To use this template, add {{subst:Welcomespam}} to the user's talk page.

Please refer to the index of user talk template messages before using any template on user talk pages to warn a user. Applying the best template available for your purpose may help reduce confusion from the message you are sending.

Parameters మార్చు

  • The relevant page: {{subst:Welcomespam|Article}}
  • Your name: {{subst:Welcomespam|Article|Username}}

Examples మార్చు

For example, this code:




Hello and welcome to Wikipedia. We appreciate encyclopedic contributions, but some of your recent contributions, such as your edit to the page WP:Sandbox, seem to be advertising or for promotional purposes. Wikipedia does not allow advertising. For more information on this, see:

If you still have questions, there is a new contributor's help page, or you can write {{helpme}} below this message along with a question and someone will be along to answer it shortly. You may also find the following pages useful for a general introduction to Wikipedia:

I hope you enjoy editing Wikipedia! Please sign your name on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~); this will automatically produce your name and the date. Feel free to write a note on the bottom of my talk page if you want to get in touch with me. Again, welcome!

See also మార్చు

"మూస:Welcomespam/doc&oldid=957832" నుండి వెలికితీశారు